Friday, April 25, 2014

Christmas Tea 2013

Christmas Tea 2013


Saint Mary's Regional Medical Center Volunteers

Shirley McCormick, Wanda Reed, and Diana Stensland


Volunteers Kathy Palmer and Lou Peterson

Saint Mary's CEO Donnie Frederic

Presentation of Volunteer of the Year Award 2013 Donnie Frederic to Lou Peterson

Installation Luncheon 2013

A Special Presentation to volunteer Carlene Knox for 25 years of Volunteer Service!

Auxiliary Officers 2013-2014

Installation Luncheon Decorations

Volunteers Lynette Price and Kathryn Kinsey

Volunteers Pat Housdan and Carol Trantham

Volunteer George Stensland


Saint Mary's Volunteers: Naomi Darter, Nina Price, BJ Myers, Jean Flowers, Marion Eckert, and Dixie Cook.

Vice President Diana Stensland and President Janet Thurber

Volunteer Marion Eckert

Volunteer Nina Price

Auxiliary Officers and Administrators