She is always calm, positive and cheerful.
She always has something positive and motivational to say.
She makes everyone feel good about ourselves and our work here.
She treats everyone with kindness and courtesy.
She understands and lives our values of teamwork and communication.
She takes her role here seriously. If something needs to be done, she works to put together a team to get it done. And if a team can’t be gathered, she finds a way to do it herself.
…has given many hours of her own time to the hospital and auxiliary.
She often comes in when she is not scheduled to work. I don’t think she even counts these hours as volunteer hours.
…is so good to visit all the hospital departments and nursing stations to share information about jewelry sales and special projects.
She always checks in with the nursing stations to see if we need any help.
I’ve seen her taking the book cart around to patient rooms. I don’t think anyone else does that.
She does everything she can to promote the hospital.
She is a strong, quiet leader.
…has been one of the best auxiliary officers we’ve ever had.
This person has proudly served Saint Mary’s for nine years, beginning her service as a volunteer in September 2002. Since that time she has served more than 1700 hours. She has worked many additional hours at home or at Saint Mary’s taking care of details, planning, organizing, and communicating with hospital staff, gift shop employees and other volunteers as well as state and district leaders. She has a servant’s heart and a generous spirit. We applaud her dedication and the service she has proudly provided to Saint Mary’s, our patients, and their families.